Peter Mata - M.S. Analytics

Peter Mata is a graduate student at Louisiana State University getting is M.S. in Analytics.

How did you hear about Tableau?

I’ve known about Tableau for a couple years. It was mentioned in my undergraduate classes during my junior year. However, I did not get true exposure with the software until graduate school.

How and when did you learn Tableau? Why did you want to?

In graduate school, we had a workshop for Tableau, and I learned a lot different techniques that could be done using the software. It’s a great software for data visualization, and I definitely wanted to learn as much as I can because I know how valuable of a skill set that is in today’s business world.

How has Tableau been helpful/impacted your academic track or career?

By using it in projects and even starting my own interactive resume, Tableau has been extremely helpful in presenting visually my knowledge and my character.

Do you have any advice for students starting out with Tableau?

My advice to students is to always be opened minded when comes to learning about software and technology. The best way to learn is to use it and experiment with it. Don’t be afraid to mess up and try techniques out in Tableau. It can do a lot, but it can only do what you put into it.

Connect with Peter on Linkedin.

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